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Saturday, March 6, 2010 Y 11:58 AM

Lord, thank you for being there for us.Thank you for always stretching your helping hand to pull us up whenever we are down or helpless. Lord I pray for the people who do not know you.May you touch their hearts,touch their lives so that they may know you as their confidante.Lord when everything seems hopeless or desolate,may you always take us into your loving embrace and remind us that no matter what,we will always have you.When we lose our faith,strengthen it and bring us back to you.For the times when we feel alone in this world or when there is nothing that binds us here anymore,let us know you created us to make this world a better place.For those who commit mistakes,whether big or small,forgive us always and help us change to be a better person.Let us always remember you gave up your only son for us so that we might be redeemed.Lord,help us to really love everyone like you do and to forgive others readily because we make mistakes too.Father,be with us always,through happy times or sad and stay by our side always.Amen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Y 6:00 PM

Anger consumes your whole being,your soul,your spirit. Anger eats at you from the inside and engulfs you in great waves of heat. Anger destroys everything in its path and propels you to act on impulse. Anger makes you say words that can hurt which cannot be taken back. Anger takes away your control and strip away your calmness. Anger distorts your face into one of fury and destroys the goodness you have in you. Anger is spontaneous and takes you by surprise.

Love fills you with bursting goodness. Love mends all wounds and acts as a salve for an injured soul. Love leads you to the right path and guides you along the way. Love showers beauty on all around you. Love blinds you from the ugliness of the world and make your loved ones feel cherished. Loves plants a smile on your face and helps you bring blissfulness to the world. Love is slowly nutured and is a steadfast thing/

Of the both, anger is easy to laspe into and love is difficult to attain. I pray Lord would grant me the patience to deal with people whom I really cannot handle.

Saturday, January 30, 2010 Y 11:08 PM

Sigh I dunno what to say.Having some problems with someone.Although we've talked to make up,I still feel that everything is not settled.How I wish we could be as close as last time.I wish that barrier between us will dissolve.I wish that someday she'll know how I feel about her.I wish that someday,she'll be more sensitive towards my feelings.There's not much time left for us before she graduates so why doesn't she appreciate the time we have together?I want to give up.I want to just let go and let the relationship turn sour.It's up to her now if she will mend it back again.But,she seems so far away.She used to be my guide but now she's just left and forgot all the memories we had together.I know I'm in no position to educate her about anything but I really respect her for everything and I just can't believe things turn out this way.I wish she would chance upon this blog and know how I feel about things she does that unknowingly hurt me.I'm thinking of sending her an email to let her know everything but I can't bring myself to type those words that will affect her.Should I or should I not?Can someone just give me an answer?

Thursday, January 14, 2010 Y 11:36 PM

First a bit of venting of unfairness...
How can the people in malaysia burn churches?They are the houses of God ok..A bit of respect here please.It's so disturbing to know people are destroying holy places?Just because of one word they have to resort to such violence?It's not their language!They didn't invent it!Arghh.Can't stand them.It just irks me to know these kind of stuff is happening to close to home.
Next,this year's want to do stuff:
1)Get A1s for all subjects!
2)Get a copy of George Orwell's 1984
3)Read more on political stuf
4)Read newspaper everyday
5)Go triple science class
6)Higher position in class

Can't seem to think of anymore

Thursday, December 31, 2009 Y 10:17 PM

Arghh I'm down with stomach flu!Hopefully I'll be fully recovered by the time school starts,still got cca on the first day!Woah I'm going to be a cantor in the church.Imagine singing in front of over 1000++ ppl?!Others who go up to sing make it look so easy but I'm freaked out!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Y 6:40 AM

Phew.Barely survived GB flag day!I lost my name tag for GB leh.First sec 1 in my cohort to lose it..How excellent.Anyway since I lost my name tag,I was spared the torture of wearing full-uniform.Wah go hougang mall that area super sunny.Plus they ask us to go in the morning want us to die?Lucky nobody faint from heat stroke!*a bit of exaggeration here(:Anyway to conclude the whole post,we stood at the traffic light,under the sun and got rejected time and time again.

Friday, November 27, 2009 Y 5:14 AM

Hey people,i've officially deleted the blog.Decided to stop writing.


This is my blog.
Please respect it cause it's not yours.

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That girl.

Germaine Goh
15 February
Xinmin Secondary School

Loves <33

Via Christus,Writing,Music


New Hp.
Better writing skills
Fantastic Results

More than words.

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